security guard companies in Miami

Security Guard Companies in Miami for Disaster Relief

While the winter isn’t considered tropical storm season here in Miami, it’s the best time of year to start preparing for when it hits in the late Spring. If you live in a high impact area that’s dealt with tropical storms in the past, you’ve probably had to search for security guard companies in Miami for disaster relief security. Typically, the storm itself isn’t the worst part, it’s the clean-up that takes time, energy, and security to prevent theft or further damage to any property affected. 

Retail Locations are at High Risk After Damage from Tropical Storms

When watching news coverage of the aftermath of tropical storm and disaster relief clean-up, typically what’s focused on the most is damage to homes and major buildings. Retail locations that also suffered aren’t given as much attention yet they need just as much help as everyone affected for many reasons. These are often small businesses owned by families with years of hard work and dedication put into them. When the source of your financial security is destroyed or badly damaged, it’s terrifying to think of what comes next. That’s where we come in. HillQuest Security is one of the few security guard companies in Miami that specializes in disaster relief security. If you own commercial space that has been damaged, it’s time to call HillQuest.

Why Do I Need a Security Company for Disaster Relief?

You may be saying to yourself, “The damage has already been done! Why would I need a security company after the fact?” To start, any property, residential or commercial, is at a higher risk to further damage, vandalism, break-ins, and more when it’s already been affected by a disaster like the tropical storms we get here in Miami. Criminals take advantage of vulnerable properties that are easy to enter and have already been damaged. It’s harder to trace evidence of who has been there and because electronic security services have been compromised, leaving said spaces open to vandalism and looting. If you own a commercial property, especially one with valuable items in it such as jewelry and expensive clothing, it’s important to call HillQuest Security right away. Many security guard companies in Miami don’t have personnel trained/aren’t equipped to handle disaster relief security situations. 


Then there’s the other side of disaster relief which involves aid to people whose homes have been destroyed, they’ve been injured, have been separated from members of their household or family, and otherwise have been greatly impacted by a disaster. HillQuest guards are trained to rescue and evacuate large groups of people in the large city of Miami as well as the surrounding areas. Our guards can handle everything from being the first on scene to tend to those who are injured or are in distress to being a calming and safe adult for children affected as well. Don’t start searching for security guard companies in Miami until you’ve talked to HillQuest Security for disaster planning and disaster relief: (888) 925-8040. For intense situations like these, you need the experts.